Join our upcoming nQTick Introduction Half-day session and get started on your journey!

Introduction to Coaching for ADHD


We are excited to be hosting our very first Masterclass for 

Coaching for ADHD 

on Friday 22nd March 2024 - 10am - 11am

If you are an existing and practicing coach / life coach and you are working with clients who are ADHD and struggling with the challenges of ADHD, then this masterclass will be very useful to you in order to better support your clients. 

Most of todays' coaching certifications are created for neurotypical clients. This does not work for all of our clients though. Consider that as much as 40% of your clients may be Neurodiverse - ie. ADHD, ADD, ASD etc. 

It is essential as a coach to understand clearly their challenges AND strengths and how the different brain wiring will affect their everyday lives. 

This masterclass will give you an introduction to:

  • Understanding ADHD
  • Effective Coaching Models for ADHD:
  • Tailoring the Coaching Process for ADHD
  • Strength-Based Coaching for ADHD
  • Tools and Techniques for ADHD Coaching
  • ADHD in the Workplace
  • Advocacy and Awareness

This is a free event with no obligations. 

We look forward to seeing you then. 

SKU: 501-2

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