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Celebrating Neurodiversity Week with Hidden Disabilities Sunflower AUS/NZ- a Webinar

We recently co-hosted a informative webinar with Hidden Disabilities Sunflower AUS/NZ to celebrate Neurodiversity Week 2024. See the replay here. ...

March 22, 2024

Impacts of Ignoring Neurodiversity and Mental Well-being on our Farmers - a Panel Conversation

This is a recording of our live panel conversation on Impacts of Ignoring Neurodiversity and Mental Well-being on our Farmers. Thank you to our guests: Lucy Haberfield, GM Horticulture NZ Kylie Brewer,  Dairy NZMax Spence, PGG WrightsonTerry Copeland, CEO Federated FarmersIt was a pleasure to discuss with them: Mental Wellbeing – The Risk BurnoutSocial Acceptability to Show EmotionsTraffic Lights - Green, Orange, and Red ConceptEarly Warning SignsSocietal and Comm...

March 21, 2024

Neurodiversity and Gender Diversity - A Panel Conversation

Thank you to our guests Martin King, (he/him), CE, Pride PledgeElena Kim (she/her) Co-Chair, Rainbow AucklandGeorge Fowler (he/him), Consultant, Pride PledgeIt was a pleasure to discuss with them: Expand Your Thinking with overlaps between neurodiversity and non-binary identities statistics.Celebrate the Rich Tapestry of Neuro and Gender diverse identitiesShatter the Myths: Myth-busting misconception and prejudice discussion.Forgoing Stronger Bonds: Art of allyship that builds bridges ...

March 20, 2024

Director's Cut Panel Conversation

We've discussed:  Directors' crucial role in increasing the bottom line through supporting the Neurodiverse to thrive in business. Hear the experiences of Directors who have already walked this journey.Gain some understanding of tips to help business take a more effective Top Down approach to supporting Neurodiversity.Next steps.Thank you to the amazing guests who joined us in this conversation:•KP (Kirsten Patterson), CEO, Institute of Directors•Rob Campbell, Director•Sam F...

March 19, 2024

The Differences Between Coaching vs Counselling

While coaching and counselling share some similarities, such as providing support and facilitating personal growth, there are a number of key differences in their focus, methods, and objectives.  If you are seeking support in your journey as a Neurodiverse person it is important to understand what you need and/or are wanting from a practitioner.  Are you looking for a coach? Someone who can help you connect with the action-oriented, goal focused you? OR, are you seeking a counsell...

March 13, 2024

International Women's Day Panel Conversation

This is a recording of our live panel conversation we held for International Womens' Day 2024. Thank you to our guests: Joanna Perry - Non-executive Chairman and DirectorSimonne Eldridge - Dyslexic, Executive Leader - Tonkin + TaylorJo Copeland - People Transformation Lead (Te Paerangi) TVNZIt was a pleasure to discuss with them: Understanding Neurodiversity Confronting Gender Biases Acknowledging Strengths Amid Challenges Cultivating Support and Understanding ...

March 8, 2024

When is neurodiversity NOT Neurodiversity?

If you suspect you may be Neurodiverse and are thinking of visiting a health professional to be assessed there are things to be aware of and to look out for. Look for a practitioner who takes an holistic approach to assessment and treatment, considering all aspects of an individual's experiences and functioning, to help identify the most appropriate supports and interventions regardless of whether symptoms stem from trauma, neurodiversity, or a combination of both.  ...

March 5, 2024

Neurodiversity Unleashed: Rally for Kiwis

Tired of just getting by?  You're not alone.  For many Neurodiverse Kiwis navigating work, seeking jobs, or anything in between, it's time to go from surviving to thriving! ...

February 27, 2024

The dawning of awareness of an ADD'er who should have known better...

Even as a psychologist by training, it only recently dawned on me that how I lived my life might be related to my own neurodiverse brain wiring!Looking back it now all seems so obvious, but it certainly wasn’t at the time.I used to hyperfocus on the things at school I enjoyed, and avoided at all costs the things I didn’t. I was told by two teachers that ‘he has the capability to do Geography and History, but shows no motivation to do so!’ And although I loved biology, I learnt all the wr...

February 13, 2024

Living the highs and lows of ADHD

Living with ADHD, I've discovered, is a journey of navigating a world that often feels like it wasn't quite designed with me in mind. But, over time, I've come to see my ADHD not just as a set of challenges to overcome but also as a unique set of strengths that I bring to the table, especially in creative and dynamic environments that allow me the space to be myself. ...

February 7, 2024

Neurodiversity & Bullying Fact Sheet

To help neurodivergent individuals understand their rights, here is a useful Fact Sheet, courtesy of the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand....

February 2, 2024

How to cultivate a productive, neurodiverse culture

Have you ever come out of a meeting reeling from what has just happened and then had to dash straight into another one? Perhaps some of you have had a whole day of this, or maybe even a whole week.What isn't widely known, is that some brains can thrive in this environment based on their brain wiring and their ability to immediately dump what was and react to what is. However, for most brains, this causes busyness of thinking without moving into action....

February 2, 2024

ADHD Celebration Month - Week 3 - Interview with Chris Coles

In this interview with the amazing Chris Cole from Unique Minds we are diving deep into the second part of ADHD Celebration Month: Dyslexia.We are discussing:What is Dyslexia?Moving from the medical-deficit model disability to the social strengths-based modelMyths…barriers…impactsWhat we are currently seeing and support ideasAssessment and support optionsHelpful resourcesThank you Chris for joining us and sharing your wisdom and knowledge.If you have any questions or comments, please don’t...

October 20, 2023

ADHD Celebration Month - Week 2 - Interview with Kahl Betham, CEO at Gallagher Group

We had a truly fantastic session with Gallagher CEO Kahl Betham, a loud and proud ADHDer with autistic traits!! Kahl’s honesty and passion for supporting the superpowers of the Neurodiverse as well as understanding and support for their challenges, was nothing short of inspirational.  Any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on [email protected] Thank you...

October 13, 2023

ADHD Celebration Month - Week 1 - Interview with Suzanne Cookson from ADHD NZ

Listen in on our conversation with Suzanne Cookson from ADHD NZ as we discuss: What is ADD and ADHD? What we are seeing in NZ and internationally – trends, research institute etc Moving from deficit model to strengths based model Hope - Australian legislation/model – more GPs can prescribe and more people trained in assessment This interview is part of our month-long series all about ADHD for ADHD and Dyslexia Celebration Month. Any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out t...

October 4, 2023

Why organisations are so poor at Change Management, and what to do about this?

Ever heard of the saying ‘the very personalities that want to be politicians are often the worst personalities to be politicians?’ In other words, for some, their focus is on power, status and personal gains, rather than having a social conscience or focus on the people they are supposed to serve.Well, the same could be true of those involved in change management! Many senior leaders have brains that are data, analysis and strategy focused. Whilst these are very useful skills in certain sett...

October 1, 2023

In the News

Watch Nataysa and Anton's interview on TV Ones Breakfast show...

March 13, 2023

2023 Neurodiversity Celebration Highlights

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is an annual global event held in March and DivergenThinking hosted New Zealand’s inaugural celebrations this year with a series of top-line discussions with special interest groups from around the country, such as youth, education, construction, and engineering. Neurodiversity refers to the wide range of brain-wiring differences in individuals and includes conditions such as autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and Tourette Syndrome. It will come as no surprise th...

February 28, 2023 Posts 1-18 of 18 | Page

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